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More Grade Added to Life Plus


TaeguTec has expanded the range of its Life Plus line with the addition of the TT8105 grade for high-speed turning on steel machining applications.

Because of its special coating technology, the new addition to the Life Plus line enables excellent wear resistance while also guarantying stable and long tool life.

The TT8105 gets an extra boost with the addition of the GoldRush treatment, a special coating that enables better surface roughness and high durability.

The metalworking giant has expanded the Life Plus line in order to offer customers a wider range of application solutions and selection.

The TT8105 is the current addition to the Life Plus line that includes the TT8115, TT8125 and the TT8135.

During several tests of the new TT8105 Life Plus coating, TaeguTec found that tool life improved as well as wear resistance.

One example was done during the machining test of a guide cover made from alloy steel. With all cutting conditions the same, TaeguTec recorded an increase of tool life by as much as 54 percent over a similar offering by a leading competitor.

The Life Plus new grades have excellent wear resistance, are stable in high-feed and speed machining conditions, and are an ideal choice for professional and amateur machinists who aim to achieve excellent surface roughness while minimizing build-up-edges.