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SFEEDMILL_CERAMIC-SFEED New Ceramic Insert Lines for High-Speed, High Feed Machining

TaeguTec has launched a new ceramic milling line designed for high productivity through high-feed, high-speed machining of difficult-to-cut materials (HRSA).

With the growing demand of both the aerospace and power generation industries, the nature of the related industries’ components from difficult-to-cut materials — where materials maintain strength even in high temperatures — also grows. These materials have very low heat conductivity and are extremely difficult to machine, making it difficult to improve productivity. To meet these market demands, TaeguTec has launched a new ceramic milling line of inserts and cutters — CERAMIC-SFEED.

Based on a unique combination of a ceramic grade suitable for high-speed machining and a unique and large radius shape for high feed machining, the CERAMIC-SFEED line is a high productivity solution for the machining of difficult-to-cut materials.

The BNGX insert series comes in two sizes: 09 mm and 12 mm. Cutters come in both end mill and face mill types. They are dedicated to a variety of applications including facing, shouldering, slotting, straight ramping and helical ramping.

Download NPN BNGX 09_View Machining Video BNGX 12_View Machining Video